AE Help! How do you link comps like references in Maya?


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How do you link comps across Ae projects like References in Maya?

I learned character rigging in Autodesk Maya. Now, I’m teaching myself character rigging in After Effects and I want to learn a good workflow for a complex file structure. I’m used having a folder structure wherein there are set folders for scene files, props, and rigs each containing project files one can import as a reference. This way any changes to the rig file will be applied in all scene files referencing the rig. BOOM! Magic stuff.

I done googled this for 25 hours and no luck. I believe shows like ‪#‎Archer ‬use After Effects for character animation. I have yet to find resources online that can point me on how to accomplish a comparable animation workflow like what I understand to use in Maya. has some wonderful introductory training but it doesn’t quite have the necessary training materials for advanced concepts in 2D character animation. I noticed this in their tutorials for Toon Boom and Cinema 4D as well.

So, as one working on a short film in After Effects with the express purpose for learning more about Ae Character animation where can I turn to answer this question and ones like it?

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